R&D Department is well designed, WHO-GMP compliant with modern infrastructure to develop, innovate, transfer technology of multiple range of dosage forms, encompassing, capsules, conventional tablets, Bi-layer tablets, ODTs, sachets, Ointments. Our R &D is recognized by Department of Drug Administration, Nepal.

The Department is well equipped to carry out pre-formulation work followed by optimization to batch scale up. The Pilot lab facility houses state-of-the-art equipment to assist scale ups and reproducibility. Needless to add, these activities are ably supported by an Analytical Development team which carries out stability studies in line with internationally acclaimed ICH Guidelines.

A team of qualified scientists with leading edge skills and capabilities carry out Formulation Research and Development, Scale up, Validation, Stability Testing, Technology Transfer, Analytical Research & Development. Our R&D has successfully developed, multi particulate dosage forms innovative stability enhancing packaging development. R&D in this area attempts to improve the efficiency with which the medicine is absorbed in the body.

Our Research & Development plays a very important role in our success journey as it is the R&D function that provides a platform for creativity and innovation. Our R&D works with a clear foresight about future problems that need solutions. It involves researching our market and our customer needs and developing new and innovative products and services to fit these needs.

Continuous Research and Development is crucial to leverage changing technology and business needs drives new product development and/or innovation and a separate and focused R&D centre supports this objective